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Energetic Developments in Agriculture

Hungary has important agro-industrial traditions and significant biomass potential. A partial replacement of imported energy sources (natural gas and oil) and a reduction in our dependence on energy imports could be achieved if the existing biomass potential could be properly exploited.

The technical development and business activities of our company have been largely in the field of agricultural energetic since the middle of the first decade of the 2000s. 

As part of this, we prepared the construction design of biomass power plants fired with wheat strow and rapeseed strow, as well as sweet sorghum bagasse and corn stalks.

We also developed the complex processing technology (for food and energy purposes) of the sweet sorghum.

These developments were carried out in the frame of project companies called BHD and Sorghum.


Strow Fired Biomass Power Plant


Sweet Sorghum Processing Plant

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Bagasse Fired Biomass Power Plant

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